
Losers Cry Foul As Macedonia Elects New President

Albanians have helped elect the candidate of the Macedonian nationalist party. But widespread claims of electoral fraud have cast a shadow over the poll and will almost certainly lead to political conflict.

10 Nov 05

The UN's Mea Culpa Over Srebrenica

With uncharacteristic frankness the UN has admitted liability in the deaths of thousands of civilians murdered by Serbian forces in the so-called UN "safe haven".

10 Nov 05

Mixed Reaction To Srebrenica Report

The soldiers of DutchBat III have escaped serious criticism from UN investigators studying the Srebrenica massacre. It is news welcomed with much relief in Dutch official circles - but by great anger among the survivors.

10 Nov 05

Kosovo Abandoned?

Ethnic Albanian demands for independence and continued reprisals against

10 Nov 05

Tudjman's Legacy Weighs Heavily Round Croatia's Neck

With the demise of its President, Croatia has a chance break with the past and move politically out of the Balkans and into Western Europe. But Franjo Tuijman's legacy will make the years to come difficult ones...

10 Nov 05
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