
An Audience with Kadare

Ismail Kadare, Albania's best-known poet and novelist, talks to IWPR about his hopes and fears for the region.

9 May 01

Montenegrin Referendum Inevitable

Brussels and Belgrade both celebrated the Montenegrin electoral results, but they are seriously misguided if they believe the disintegration of Yugoslavia can be halted.

9 May 01

Kumanovo Braced for War

The streets of this ethnically mixed town have gone silent, and some Albanian families have fled. As gun-ships fly nearby, a nervous population watches the conflict edge closer.

6 May 01

NLA Violence Sabotages Talks

Albanian radicals undermine political efforts to resolve the Macedonian crisis as the army prepares for a fresh offensive.

3 May 01

Albanian Fighters on the Warpath

Albanians fighters are again preparing for battle after apparently running out of patience with the Macedonian government

3 May 01

VIEWPOINT: The Consensus of Lies

People in the Balkans will continue to reject the war crimes tribunal for as long as they refuse to search for the truth.

28 Apr 01

US Bosnia Crackdown

To the relief of many, the Americans have decided to flex their political and military muscle in Bosnia

27 Apr 01
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