Bosnia and Herzegovina

Montenegro Border Compromise

Serbia and Montenegro have resolved a stormy border dispute, which brought the two republics close to war.

8 Mar 00

Serbia Tightens Montenegrin Noose

The deployment of Yugoslav army troops on Montenegro's frontiers has tightened Belgrade's stranglehold over the tiny republic.

7 Mar 00

Kvocka Takes The Stand In Camps Trial.

The trial of four Bosnian Serbs accused of crimes committed at the infamous Omarska, Keraterm and Trnopolje detention camps in northwest Bosnia in 1992 finally gets underway.

3 Mar 00

Blaskic Sentenced To 45 Years.

Bosnian Croat commander Tihomir Blaskic sentenced to record prison term for crimes committed by forces under his command in central Bosnia in 1993.

3 Mar 00

Kordic & Cerkez Trial Continues

Blaskic judgement bodes ill for Bosnian Croat political and military leaders, Dario Kordic and Mario Cerkez, as the prosecution case draws to a close.

3 Mar 00

Blaskic To Receive Judgement On March 3

Seven months after the conclusion of his trial, former Croatian Defence Council (HVO) commander, Tihomir Blaskic will hear his fate later this week.

26 Feb 00
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