Bosnia and Herzegovina

Dodik Toys with Muslim Vote

Republika Srpska Prime Minister, Milorad Dodik, considers appointing Muslim ministers to break political deadlock.

28 Mar 00

Aleksovski Judgement

The Appeals Chamber criticizes Aleksovski sentence as "manifestly" inadequate.

25 Mar 00

Krstic Stands Alone

The prosecution presents its case against General Radislav Krstic, accused of orchestrating the massacre of 7,500 Bosnian Muslims in July 1995.

18 Mar 00

Serbs Defy Draft

Hundreds of army reservists have taken to the streets of Kraljevo to protest against the Yugoslav government's latest draft.

14 Mar 00

Del Ponte's Sights On Milosevic

Chief Prosecutor Carla Del Ponte says she aims to "make life more difficult" for Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic and other indictees still at large.

12 Mar 00

Fifth Omarska Camp Suspect Captured

Dragoljub Prcac becomes the fifth suspect to appear at The Hague accused of crimes at the Omarska detention camp. Three further suspects remain at large.

12 Mar 00
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