Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnia Faces Child Crime Crisis

A dramatic rise in juvenile delinquency across Bosnia has presented the authorities in the war-torn country with yet another deeply worrying problem they are ill equipped to address.

6 Sep 05

Serbia's Democratic Revival

Miroslav Filipovic, the Serbian journalist jailed for exposing human rights abuses, won a joyous early release. But his rehabilitation, and that of Serbian democracy, will take time.

6 Sep 05

Bosnian Nationalists Thrive

Opinion polls suggest Bosnian nationalist parties will triumph once more in forthcoming general elections

6 Sep 05

Izetbegovic Era Ends

The last nationalist leader of former Yugoslavia decides to call it a day.

6 Sep 05

New Montenegrin Crisis

Slobodan Milosevic's fall from power plunges Montenegro into a political turmoil

6 Sep 05
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