Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnia: UN Handover Causes Concern

There are fears that the European Union Police Mission, which takes over from the UN at the beginning of next year, may struggle to maintain regional stability.

6 Sep 05

Milosevic's Fate in the Balance

Talks are underway for the surrender of Slobodan Milosevic amid a tense stand-off at his residence in Belgrade and a mounting power struggle between Yugoslav President Vojislav Kostunica and Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic.

6 Sep 05

Sad Fate for 'Hero City'

Vukovar has yet to recover from the destruction wrought by the Yugoslav army a decade ago

6 Sep 05

Broadcasting Shake-up

Many of the unregulated electronic media launched during the Bosnian conflict are now facing the axe.

6 Sep 05
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