
Romanian Gold Project Stalled

Foreign investment to revive old gold-mining town on hold because of political and ecological objections.

2 Aug 05

Profile: Ramush Haradinaj

Although a popular prime minister, the ex-KLA commander could not shake rumours of criminal activity and involvement in civilian deaths.

2 Aug 05

A Chilling Charge Sheet

Former guerrilla leader Ramush Haradinaj and his lieutenants are accused of persecuting fellow-Albanians as well as Serbs.

2 Aug 05

Investigation: Justice Yet to be Done

The massacre of 46 people in a Bosnian village 12 years ago is a prime example of the kind of cases the local war crimes process is likely to take up.

2 Aug 05

EU Ponders New Aid Deal for Balkans

Contrary to reports, Balkan states unlikely to join EU together, but may get equal access to funds reserved until now for candidate states.

2 Aug 05
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