
Milosevic Stalks Kostunica

There are fears the deposed federal president Slobodan Milosevic will attempt to undermine his successor.

6 Sep 05

Kosovo Serbs Snub Election Appeal

Kosovo Albanians are urging local Serbs to participate in forthcoming municipal elections, but their appeals are likely to be ignored.

6 Sep 05

Bosnia Welcomes Kostunica

Bosnians hope Yugoslavia's new president will seek to improve relations between the two countries.

6 Sep 05

Yugoslavia Joins Pact

Stability Pact members have mixed feelings over Yugoslavia's newly acquired membership of the organisation

6 Sep 05

Comment: Dialogue in Jeopardy

Kosovo Albanian policy of setting preconditions for dialogue with Belgrade could prove to be disasterous for the province

6 Sep 05

Comment: Kosovars Forge Democracy

Kosovo's democratic credentrials have been improved by the orderly, non-violent nature of campaigning for this weekend's local elections

6 Sep 05

Filipovic Arrest Ordeal

IWPR journalist Miroslav Filipovic, recently released from prison after an appeal against his conviction for espionage, describes his Kafkaesque arrest.

6 Sep 05
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