
Reinforcements in the Sandzak

Additional troops deployed in the Muslim-dominated region of Serbia have raised fears that Milosevic may stir up fresh conflict in his own backyard.

10 Nov 05

Montenegro Counts Its Friends, Then Its Dinars

As Montenegro edges towards fiscal independence from Serbia, Milo Djukanovic's latest tour of European capitals looks like an attempt to secure international support for Montenegro before the final break-up of the federation.

10 Nov 05

Montenegro Makes the Most of the Fortunes of War

A small town on Montenegro's border with Kosovo has become a paradise for smugglers and a blessing for the Kosovo Albanians desperate to buy back the passports and cars they lost in the spring. Meanwhile, there is a roaring trade in construction materials

10 Nov 05

'Power Wars' Between Romania And Bulgaria

Romania and Bulgaria, both candidates for early European Union accession talks, have traded insults in the past week over what their media have called the "power war".

10 Nov 05
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