
Kosovo's New Masters Slow To Learn From Bosnia Experience

Heads of states who met Friday in Sarajevo to discuss a stability pact for the Balkans, will be ill-advised to use the West's experience in Bosnia as a model for Kosovo without a full and frank appraisal of their failures there.

10 Nov 05

Tribunal Defence Lawyers Reject Belgrade Journalist's Charges

Belgrade journalist Milovan Brkic alleges that Milosevic's secret police handpicked a team of defence lawyers to defend Serbs appearing before the Hague Tribunal but ordered them to bury evidence linking the regime to the crimes - even if that meant drivi

10 Nov 05

Comment: Serbia Seeks An Exit from History

Now the epoch of Milosevic is over – and it surely is – Serbs must learn to free themselves from the burden of history and the destructive desire to make and remake it, over and over again.

10 Nov 05

Djukanovic On A Mission, Increasingly Far From Home

Montenegro's president is trying to reconcile Serbia's feuding political forces, while at home his fellow citizens make it clear they wish to be as close to Europe as possible - and as far as possible from Serbia.

10 Nov 05
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