
Afghan Press Odyssey

In Afghanistan, the frontlines were difficult to find and a fistful of dollars was more useful than a bullet-proof vest.

14 Nov 05

Afghanistan: US Casualties Spiral

Scores of US soldiers wounded in Afghanistan have been arriving at the Khanabad air base in southern Uzbekistan - far more than official reports suggest

14 Nov 05

Kabul's Sad "Attraction"

Ravaged by mujahedin rockets and neglected by the Taleban, Kabul Zoo - once one of the capital's top attractions - is a shadow of its former self.

14 Nov 05

United Front Divisions Emerge

The delegation representing the United Front at the Bonn peace talks appears riddled with thinly-disguised divisions.

14 Nov 05

UK Troop Delay Threatens Afghan Stability

Further delays in the deployment of British troops in Afghanistan could undermine efforts to stabilise the country and secure humanitarian aid shipments.

14 Nov 05

A Tale of Two Presidents

Tajik leader's attempt to carve out a reputation as an international statesman is unlikely to impress the country's impoverished population.

14 Nov 05

A Model of Reconciliation

Post-conflict Tajikistan could offer valuable lessons to her war-torn neighbour Afghanistan.

14 Nov 05

Afghan Coup Claims Under Scrutiny

A crackdown on an alleged plot against the interim government may be just another phase in the war of nerves between its ethnic Tajik and Pashtun factions.

14 Nov 05
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