
Home Sweet Home?

Afghans returning home after years of exile in West are not always welcomed back with open arms.

16 Nov 05

Performers Face the Music

Hounded by the mujahedin and the Taleban, musicians are not finding it much easier today.

16 Nov 05

Kabulis Get Mobile

With the communications system in tatters mobile telephones are taking off in the capital.

16 Nov 05

Constitution Delayed

Officials insist next year's elections are on track despite Loya Jirga postponement.

16 Nov 05

Blasphemy Editor Unrepentant

Journalist has “no regrets” over writing allegedly un-Islamic article that could cost him his life.

16 Nov 05

Moonlighting in Kabul

Dire pay forces civil servants to take second jobs, making government less effective.

16 Nov 05
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