
All Eyes on the Poll

The thousands of observers watching each step of parliamentary and provincial council elections could be a mixed blessing.

18 Nov 05

Ghazni's Formidable Females

Lack of security and opposition from family members are minor obstacles to some of the candidates standing for parliament in a staunchly conservative region.

18 Nov 05

Return of a Power From the Past

The return of controversial general Shahnawaz Tanai on the eve of elections stirs memories and raises questions over links to Pakistan.

18 Nov 05

Beyond the Ballot Box

Continuing bloodshed and war of words spells little hope for peace after the September 18 poll.

18 Nov 05

Parties Fume on the Sidelines

Political groups have been frozen out of the parliamentary election campaign, and many say it is part of a master-plan to weaken the legislature.

18 Nov 05
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