
Kabul Calling

They may look out of place, but 300 new telephone booths are giving the capital's poorer residents a chance to contact relatives cheaply.

18 Nov 05

Disarming the Child Soldiers

A UN programme seeks to bring young boys pressed into the service of local commanders back into society.

18 Nov 05

The Cave-Dwellers of Bamian

Parliament and politics mean little to the people forced to live in caves beside the remains of Bamian's giant Buddhas.

18 Nov 05

Letter From Bamian

A visitor from Kabul is shocked and saddened by conditions in one of the country’s most backward provinces.

18 Nov 05

Teaching Women to Campaign

For Afghan women to get out of the home and onto the hustings takes some encouragement and some new-found courage.

18 Nov 05

Blinded by Logistics

The Joint Electoral Management Body insists the election will go off smoothly, and rejects claims that the recent surge in violence is connected to the vote.

18 Nov 05
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