
Gearing Up for Elections

The signs are that a majority of Afghans intend to take part in this week’s historic presidential poll.

1 Sep 06

Elections a Learning Experience

Questions remain about the candidates' policies and campaign financing, but the election offers Afghans a historic opportunity to shape their future.

1 Sep 06

Nationwide Survey Reveals Voter Demands

From all over Afghanistan, ordinary people are crying out for security, water and jobs, according to a national survey conducted by Afghan journalists.

1 Sep 06

The New Mullah Omars

The Taleban leader may be out of power but some in authority today continue his repressive policies.

1 Sep 06

A Nation's Disappearing Children

Distraught parents turn to television to report their missing children, while concern grows over the numbers of minors sent aboard to work illegally.

1 Sep 06

Karzai's Balancing Act

Following an outbreak of violence in Herat, the Afghan president tries to retain the support of an important warlord.

1 Sep 06
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