
Drugs Court Gets Mixed Reviews

The government’s attempt to fast-track drug offenders has secured some convictions, though some suspect the big players are too powerful to be caught.

28 Apr 07

Afghanistan: Operation Achilles Heel?

International forces claim success in their latest operation in Helmand, but locals say the Taleban stopped fighting so that the opium poppy harvest could go ahead.

28 Apr 07

Urban Myth Spreads Panic

Officials try to refute lurid tales of “lethal” phone calls, but word-of-mouth rumours prove stronger than truth.

20 Apr 07

Harvest in Helmand

It’s time to gather opium in the poppy fields, and everyone seems to be getting involved – even government officials.

18 Apr 07

Living Under the Taleban

Fundamentalist rule has returned to Musa Qala – and some residents have never been happier.

17 Apr 07

Mazar Sees in New Year at Any Price

In Mazar-e-Sharif, the traditional Nauroz celebration forces some residents to play generous host while others cash in on the boom in visitors.

21 Mar 07

Reversing the Great Afghan Land Grab

Years of war and lawlessness have left property rights hopelessly snarled up, and Afghans fighting mad as a result. Now a draft law aims to unravel the mess.

14 Mar 07
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