Al-Falujee: Sunnis Should Hold Either Defence or Interior Ministry

Azzaman is issued daily by journalist Saad al-Bazaz.

Al-Falujee: Sunnis Should Hold Either Defence or Interior Ministry

Azzaman is issued daily by journalist Saad al-Bazaz.

Wednesday, 26 April, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

Iraqi Accord Front MP Hussein al-Falujee said the (Sunni Arab) slate wants to run either the interior or defence ministry. He said ongoing negotiations have indicated that the front may get one of the ministerial posts. Falujee also said the front's leadership wants to run the ministry of foreign affairs. He said an Arab should hold the post because Sunni Arab leaders support Kurdish leader Jalal Talabani for president. (Sunni Arab leaders briefly lobbied for the presidency and have consistently insisted on controlling a security ministry. Sunni Arabs accuse the Shia-dominated security ministries of targeting Sunnis.)
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