Opinion: Era of Shame

Hawlati is an independent newspapers issued weekly by Ranj Print house.

Opinion: Era of Shame

Hawlati is an independent newspapers issued weekly by Ranj Print house.

Friday, 14 April, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

In this country in which we reside, the future of life is uncertain. The country and life (of the people) is run according to moods, luck, jungle laws, lies, hooligans and ignorance. From now on you should predict if anything happens: A liar could become a politician; a murderer could become a leader; and a gang could become police. Kurdish superpowers for years have made it a tradition to talk about the democratic experience. They have made people uncomfortable by saying that the model currently existing in Kurdistan is the region's only democratic experience. But anyone who has spent a day here will feel ashamed and shocked to hear that. There was a time when you (Kurdish fighters) were in the mountains, claiming to struggle for the working classes and for socialism … and you were creating troubles among villagers and sparked an armed conflict with each other. Then we, the people, created the uprising in 1991 and brought you to run our region so that you could change our lives. But you went back to the same system you had in the past and sparked war with each other inside the cities. So how can you not feel ashamed when you talk about democratic model? How is a power that abducts journalists, teachers, civil servants and citizens in day light practicing a democratic model? Where did you learn this new type of democracy? Did you learn it in mountains, or did you inherit it from the Ba'thists?
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