Opinion: Big Missions

Al-Bayan is issued four times weekly by the Islamic Da'wa Party, chaired by outgoing prime minister Ibrahim al-Ja'fari.

Opinion: Big Missions

Al-Bayan is issued four times weekly by the Islamic Da'wa Party, chaired by outgoing prime minister Ibrahim al-Ja'fari.


Institute for War & Peace Reporting
Friday, 28 April, 2006
The people have high expectations for the first permanent parliament. The first thing is that the parliament should sincerely convey that the people are united regardless of their ethnic or sectarian backgrounds and that every single Iraqi should feel the parliament represents him and works for his interest; that the parliament seeks to better serve the people in its constitutional role. What the people most need is security and for terrorism to be eliminated so that life returns to normal. The standard of the quality of life, socially and economically, should be raised. This parliament might differ from others because it is faced with huge missions. All of the political slates need to act with a high sense of responsibility to ensure the government's success. Iraqis are suffering from the heavy burdens of the former regime and foreign interference that aims to abort the democratic process. The parliament should set all of its internal disagreements aside and work for national interests. The slates should work on behalf of the people's interests, not their own. It is very important that members of parliament open their hearts to the people's demands.
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