Opinion: The Warriors' Children

Al-Taakhi is issued daily by the Kurdistan Democratic Party.

Opinion: The Warriors' Children

Al-Taakhi is issued daily by the Kurdistan Democratic Party.

Friday, 27 January, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

Passing through one of Baghdad's slums, I found myself surrounded by a group of children carrying many types of toy weapons and playing war. I felt sorry for our children. The wars have deprived them from their innocent childhoods and left them living among bombs and explosions. The media has helped spread violence by airing acts of carnage which the children have absorbed. There appears to be a conspiracy to destroy future generations by feeding them violent culture. There is no use of the anti-terror law at a time when traders continue importing toy weapons and encourage the children to buy them and make them parts of their daily life. Iraqis have suffered enormously from violence. We urge all intellectuals, officials, journalists, parties and organisations calling for eliminating terror to organize a campaign to stop importing these dangerous toy weapons. Our children need to be saved from those exploiting the enemies of the people, and from those we call "the war traders."
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