Editorial: Parliamentarians should recognise their responsibility

Arman-e-Milli is an independent daily run by a group of journalists.

Editorial: Parliamentarians should recognise their responsibility

Arman-e-Milli is an independent daily run by a group of journalists.

Friday, 16 December, 2005


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

Some media outlets have objected to President Hamed Karzai’s appointment of 34 members for the Meshrano Jirga, the upper house of parliament, alleging that the appointees include some human rights violators, anti-democratic figures and drug lords. Ordinary people are not optimistic about these appointments, either, saying that well-educated, experienced figures able to live up to their responsibilities should have been named for the posts. The Union of Dissatisfied Parliamentary Candidates has also criticised the appointments, saying knowledge and experience have not been taken into account and the upper house members will not be able to play a positive role. The Union claims that most of the appointees are unsuccessful government ministers, corrupt government employees and those who have nepotistic ties to the cabinet. We hope that the members of the upper and lower houses will not to use parliament as cover for their past deeds. They should regard the legislature as one of their greatest responsibilities to God, their homeland and the people. And they should not abuse people’s trust.
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