Reconciliation Conference

Al-Taakhi is issued daily by the Kurdistan Democratic Party.

Reconciliation Conference

Al-Taakhi is issued daily by the Kurdistan Democratic Party.

Thursday, 26 January, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

The Arab League agreed that the Iraqi reconciliation conference (originally scheduled to take place February 7, 2006 in Baghdad,) will be held after the new government and parliament are formed. The conference may be held in one of the neighbouring Arab states such as Saudi Arabia, Jordan or the United Arab Emirates if Iraq agrees. Amr Musa, secretary-general of the Arab League, praised the Iraqi political process and sincere attempts by the different political factions to form a new national unity government. Iraqi Coalition list member Humam Hamoodi asked Musa to hold the conference before the new government is formed to provide a unification base for the various Iraqi political parties and forces.
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