Opinion: A Step in the Right Direction

Awene is issued weekly by the Awene Company.

Opinion: A Step in the Right Direction

Awene is issued weekly by the Awene Company.

Friday, 21 July, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

The security forces have finally realised that their job is not to seek confrontation with journalists, whose work is as important as their own. During demonstrations and protests, the security forces have been so preoccupied with arresting and hurting journalists that they have forgotten to curb the demonstrators. The security directorate [in the northern city of Sulaimaniyah] has announced that from now on it will not interfere in the work of reporters, and will instead cooperate in providing them with the information they need. Journalists have waited for a long time for the security forces to come to understand that it is not their job to confiscated cameras and tape recorders. This is a step in the right direction, but the security forces must now keep their promise to provide journalists with information, because then there will be no more need to cite anonymous sources.
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