Rehabilitation of Sadr City

Al-Mutamar is issued daily by the Iraqi National Congress.

Rehabilitation of Sadr City

Al-Mutamar is issued daily by the Iraqi National Congress.

Monday, 5 December, 2005


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

The head of the Iraqi National Congress list, Ahmed al-Chalabi, pushed for rebuilding Sadr city's infrastructure, arguing that it is time to compensate the city that opposed the tyranny of (former Iraqi leader) Saddam Hussein. Chalabi criticised the municipal services in Sadr city on December 2, describing them as miserable services that do not honour the city's historical struggle. He promised to give Sadr city residents pieces of land to help them live as human beings after many years of suffering and deprivation. (Chalabi is eyeing the prime minister's seat as his list competes in next week's parliamentary elections.)
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