CIA detention centres in Kabul

Cheragh is an independent daily run by the Development and Democracy Association.

CIA detention centres in Kabul

Cheragh is an independent daily run by the Development and Democracy Association.

Monday, 23 January, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

New York-based Human Rights Watch has alleged that the CIA has been running detention centres near Kabul. Based on statements from prisoners held in Guantanamo Bay, the watchdog organisation said detainees had been tortured in Afghanistan. Some of the detainees told their lawyers that they had been tortured between 2002 and 2004 in prisons near Kabul. They said they were guarded by Afghan and American men in plain clothes. The torture allegedly used included being tied up for hours in stressful positions, sleep deprivation, having their heads submerged in cold water and subjection to continuous loud noise.
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