Editorial: Marking March 8

Hewad is a state-run daily published mostly in Pashto.

Editorial: Marking March 8

Hewad is a state-run daily published mostly in Pashto.

Friday, 10 March, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

Today is March 8, International Women’s Day, celebrated all around the globe. We mark the date this year at a time when Afghan women have achieved a great deal of success in all areas of life. The presence of women in the cabinet, the national assembly and government institutions shows they are playing an active role in politics. Women take part in all social and political gatherings, national and international conferences and seminars, and they defend and support the rights of poor women who are deprived of their rights. Women’s participation in social, economical and cultural affairs is developing day by day. The Afghan Constitution supports women’s rights, with Article 22 stating, “Any kind of discrimination or privileged status among citizens of Afghanistan is prohibited. Citizens of Afghanistan – men and women – enjoy equal rights and obligations before the law.” The success achieved by women does not, however, mean they are free of problems or that they enjoy full rights. They still face a lot of problems such as forced marriages and violence. We wish women all over the world a happy Women’s Day.
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