Opinion: A Suggestion for Some Ministers

Hawlati is a Sulaimaniyah based independent weekly issued by Ranj Print House.

Opinion: A Suggestion for Some Ministers

Hawlati is a Sulaimaniyah based independent weekly issued by Ranj Print House.

Friday, 28 July, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

Dear interior minister: Whoever you are, please, just once, ask your bodyguard to leave you alone and spend two hours as a traffic policeman working in the heat. Just spend two hours under the shade that has not been made good. And when you are standing there, the brand new cars of officials and irresponsible people will pass you without obeying or acknowledging traffic laws. When you blow your whistle because they've done something wrong, they will open the car window and throw Pepsi and beer cans. Don't take it too hard. Dear ministers of education and higher education: Whoever you are, each of you should give just one lecture in a class of 60 students without electricity, water, lights, air conditioning, heaters or windows. Or give a lecture in the sixth floor of a building without lifts or power. After that, make some notes about the resilient teachers and their salaries. Dear all of the other ministers, whose offices are full with air conditioners, satellites, refrigerators, fruit, sodas and alcoholic drinks: When you get your salaries, just ask yourself a question: "I, with this powerful and prosperous life, with all of this money, what happens if I become a traffic policeman under the searing heat, or a broken-hearted teacher in a village far away?" How much should your salary be?
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