EDITORIAL: Injustice at the justice ministry

Outlook is an independent daily published in English.

EDITORIAL: Injustice at the justice ministry

Outlook is an independent daily published in English.

Friday, 2 December, 2005


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

Accountability week is almost over, and cabinet ministers have addressed the nation and submitted detailed records of their performance. Each and every one tried to show that he or she is the most efficient and loyal to the nation. Reactions from analysts and the media regarding accountability week were mixed. Government-controlled media contained one-sided pro-government eulogies, while some independent papers like Kabul Weekly called it "demagogues' week", arguing that it was just a ploy to deceive innocent people. It was really interesting for people to follow the daily reports from the various ministers. Today we will start with the justice ministry. Mr Sarwar Danish, the honourable and ambitious minister of justice, delivered a long speech in which he portrayed himself as highly capable. He explained his performance as minister in detail and outlined the various facets of his ministry. While introducing its organisational structure, he shed light on the ethnic composition of its staff. According to his data, the ministry employees are 68 per cent Tajiks, 24 per cent Pashtun, four per cent Uzbek and two per cent Hazara. In terms of gender, women account for 12 per cent. If the justice ministry cannot observe justice, what hope is there for the other ministries and departments?
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