Editorial: Freedom of Expression

Al-Sabah is a daily independent publicly owned newspaper.

Editorial: Freedom of Expression

Al-Sabah is a daily independent publicly owned newspaper.

Friday, 10 March, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

One of the features and conditions of democracy is that freedom of expression is a right guaranteed in constitutions, including in Iraq's. It is not specific to media and journalism. It is the right for all people to voice their opinions about different aspects of life in their society. The opinion might be for or against, and might reflect negative or positive aspects. But that is not a problem because it falls within the law and does not aim to libel, distort, accuse and provoke. In its second paragraph, Article 13, the interim law states that "freedom of expression" is guaranteed. Article 37 of the permanent constitution states that the government, without violating the moral or public system, guarantees 1) freedom of expression by all means; 2) freedom of the press, printing, advertising, publication and media; 3) the freedom to peacefully demonstrate and meet, organized by the law. The formal freedom requires many steps before it becomes a practical freedom whereby one can freely express his thoughts. Among these steps is the feeling of safety and sheltered from fear. Freedom of expression loses out if we feel overwhelmed by fear.
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