Former Taleban leader killed in Kandahar

Islah is a state-run daily mostly in Dari.

Former Taleban leader killed in Kandahar

Islah is a state-run daily mostly in Dari.

Monday, 16 January, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

Unidentified gunmen shot and killed former Taleban deputy interior minister Mullah Abdul Samad Khaksar in the southern city of Kandahar on January 14, officials said. Provincial police chief Abdul Malik Wahedi said the killing took place at 300 pm. The assailants fled after the shooting, and, according to Wahedi, the police have made no arrests. Mullah Khaksar, served as deputy interior minister under the Taleban, renounced the fundamentalist regime after it was ousted in 2001 and has since supported the central government of Afghanistan.
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