Bosnia and Herzegovina: Tales of Transition
Years active: 2010-2014
IWPR's Tales of Transition project was funded by the Norwegian embassy in Sarajevo. IWPR is carrying out this project in cooperation with the Sarajevo Centre for Contemporary Arts (Proba) and EFM Student Radio.
Bosnians Still Traumatised by War
Hundreds of demobilised soldiers diagnosed with PTSD have taken their own lives since the end of the conflict.
Films Help Serb Students Understand Bosnian Conflict
IWPR documentaries about refugees raise issues young people in Serbia rarely get the chance to discuss.
Bosnia's Ex-Soldiers Unite Over Shared Woes
Former foes find common ground in protest over army pensions and unemployment.
Dachau Offers Bosnian Survivors Memorial Lessons
Former detainees from Bosnia visit notorious Nazi death camp to learn how others commemorate war victims.
Villagers Put Past Behind Them
Bosniaks and Serbs set aside their bitter experiences of recent years to try to live together again.
A Troubled Homecoming
Threatened by local Serbs on their return, Bosniaks in Klotjevac say their lives are not much better several years on.
The Village the War Forgot
They may be from different ethnic groups, but the residents of Baljvine never took up arms against each other.
Yearning for Derventa
As a refugee Meho longed to go back to Derventa, drawn by his love of the river that flows by the town.
Story of a boy named Nehrudin.