Five Arrested, Accused of Organizing a Demonstration

Hawlati is an independent weekly Kurdish newspaper.

Five Arrested, Accused of Organizing a Demonstration

Hawlati is an independent weekly Kurdish newspaper.

Thursday, 8 June, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

Five people were arrested by security forces in the town Sayid Sadiq in Sulaimaniyah province on June 6 after because accused of organizing demonstrations and inciting chaos in the town. The five suspects belonged to a committee that had planned to hold a demonstration for Sayid Sadiq residents. They threatened to demonstrate in a statement issued on June 5 to the Kurdistan Regional Government and parliament if the government did not provide electricity, water and sewage. Those detained include two students, two vendors and a policeman. A source from the committee said that a demonstration would be held if they were not released.
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