Opinion: Money and the Renaissance

Al-Adala is issued daily by the Supreme Council of the Islamic Revolution in Iraq.

Opinion: Money and the Renaissance

Al-Adala is issued daily by the Supreme Council of the Islamic Revolution in Iraq.

Friday, 3 February, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

Iraq's infrastructure is completely destroyed. Its ministries are unproductive and unemployment is high. There are no public services and the level corruption is overwhelming. But Iraq has many resources and brilliant minds to overcome the crises. It has a political project to undertake, backed by a constitution and an election in which the public decided the amount (of power) each political bloc will hold. When the results proved opposite of what some political parties expected, they began making accusations of fraud and violations. We hope that Iraq will be able to move on through its economic and political initiatives and get rid of all destructive elements that try to stop progress and prosperity in Iraq.
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