Opinion: The Crises

Tareek al-Shaab is issued by the Iraqi Communist Party.

Opinion: The Crises

Tareek al-Shaab is issued by the Iraqi Communist Party.

Friday, 27 January, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

It seems that there is no way to repair the electricity, which is shut off for ten hours a day. The people lost their hope in regaining it, and they have no idea what steps were taken to solve this permanent problem (by the ministry of electricity.) We can only imagine the huge suffering of Iraqis in summer if the electricity continues as it is now. The other crisis Iraqis suffer from is oil. It seems that the oil ministry's coupons aren't doing anything to lessen the crisis or to stop greedy individuals from exploiting the people. Petrol station managers and some of their staff make this otherwise smooth process difficult by distributing oil and selling it on the black market. As for the trade ministry, it did nothing to improve the ration cards with new items. On the contrary, it has gotten rid of some existing items. We have nothing to say except that God helps the people who will live through a summer that we hope will be not be as difficult as the three ministries.
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