Opinion: The Snake of Sectarian Conflict

Al-Ittihad is published daily by the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan.

Opinion: The Snake of Sectarian Conflict

Al-Ittihad is published daily by the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan.

Friday, 15 September, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

Iraq nowadays is engulfed by sectarian conflict that has spread everywhere without anyone finding a way to stop it. No official, cleric, tribal leader or minister has thought of a way to promote national reconciliation. We do not need conferences and declarations. We need to line up together [Sunnis and Shias] with the government to eliminate sectarianism and to reject the differences and disagreements between Shias and Sunnis, because both are Muslims. We have to depend on ourselves to protect our country, without the help of foreigners or Arabs. We have to fight the rumors that feed the sectarian conflict, because once a civil war starts, it will crush all sides without exception. Let us be united, because it is the only way to stop the crawling of this poisonous snake called sectarian conflict.
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