Editorial: Civilians should not be targeted

Islah is a state-run daily published mostly in Dari.

Editorial: Civilians should not be targeted

Islah is a state-run daily published mostly in Dari.

Friday, 21 April, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

US forces have wounded eight civilians in two separate incidents in eastern Kunar and southeastern Khost provinces. The presidential spokesman has expressed his dissatisfaction while President Hamed Karzai had already asked international troops to be more cautious about civilians when conducting operations. This is not the first time that Afghan civilians have been the victims of mistakes by US troops. In the past, they targeted civilians in separate incidents in Kunar, Laghman and Helmand provinces. These incidents, in fact, indicate the American’s lack of knowledge of Afghanistan’s geography and the lack of coordination with the Afghan National Army. They pave the way for militants to launch propaganda, to exploit public outrage and set the people against the government. International troops should study the region thoroughly before they launch operations and should not target poor civilians. Even if they target civilians by mistake, their enemies will make people doubt the cooperation of the international forces in ensuring security.
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