Al-Aloosi: Support Government with a National Agenda

Al-Adala is issued daily by the Supreme Council of the Islamic Revolution in Iraq.

Al-Aloosi: Support Government with a National Agenda

Al-Adala is issued daily by the Supreme Council of the Islamic Revolution in Iraq.

Monday, 23 January, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

Mithal al-Aloosi, secretary-general of the Iraqi Democratic Nation party, said he will support any government with a clear national and patriotic program serving all Iraqis. He maintained that the prime minister's post will go to a member of the United Iraqi Alliance (the leading slate in parliament) and that all political parties will participate in forming a stable parliamentary government. He said he will support those who help form a legal government with a national agenda. He maintained that the government must not politicise the law and must work for the interests of the citizens.
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