Editorial: Change

Al-Sabah is a daily independent publicly owned newspaper.

Editorial: Change

Al-Sabah is a daily independent publicly owned newspaper.

Friday, 3 February, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

Building a new, modern, democratic Iraqi government requires a change in the educational system. These changes should start with primary school and extend to university. The campaign needs a comprehensive plan from the ministries of education, planning, culture, and higher education and scientific research. It also requires the participation of other social and government organizations, including various media outlets. Schools, the media and civil society organisations should develop this strategic plan to instigate a new political understanding. This understanding should be based on the new principles of citizenship and should create a new citizenry that believes in rights and duties. Through this, individuals will voluntarily join civil society associations without seeking personal gains. We look forward to creating an active citizenry that helps build democracy and takes care of public interests.
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