
Chechnya: No Place Like Home

After long years of wandering, one former refugee is more than happy to brave the daily dangers of life in war torn Chechnya.

8 Aug 05

Chechens Consider Reviving Polygamy

For some, multiple marriage offers a simple solution to the gender imbalance caused by conflict. But others say introducing the practice is the last thing Chechens need.

12 Jul 05

Tajikistan: Seeking Refuge From a Man's War

During the 1991-97 civil war, thousands of women and children fled to Afghanistan to live as refugees. But despite their suffering, many women have now found professional success.

12 Jul 05

Azerbaijan: Refugees Dream of Home

Memories of the past sustain refugees from the Karabakh war, still struggling after more than a decade to adapt to their harsh new life.

12 Jul 05
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