Child Labour on the Rise in Tajikistan
27 Jul 10
Congolese Infants Raped in Black Magic Rituals
Superstitious beliefs said to be behind disturbing cases of sexual violence against young children.
27 Jul 10
Lubumbashi Children Drift Back to the Street
Despite local authorities' best efforts to keep children off the streets, many yearn to return.
30 Jun 10
Child Labour Still Seen as “Tradition” in Uzbekistan
Tougher penalties for using children as cheap labour do not seem to be having much effect, as officials fail to act and families are glad of the extra income.
25 Mar 10
Child Labour in Syria
Audio slideshow produced during an IWPR workshop for young Syrian journalists held in Beirut, October 2009.
23 Mar 10
Baby Trade Worries Tajikistan
Poverty rather than greed drives women on low-incomes to sell newborn babies.
13 Mar 08
The Cost of Uzbek White Gold
Child labor during the cotton harvest across Uzbekistan. Photographs by Thomas Grabka with a report by IWPR.
10 Dec 04
Beslan After the Tragedy
8 Sep 04
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