Middle East

Afghan Coup Claims Under Scrutiny

A crackdown on an alleged plot against the interim government may be just another phase in the war of nerves between its ethnic Tajik and Pashtun factions.

14 Nov 05

Yugoslavia's Eastern Front

Bulgaria's pro-Western policy is met by a threat of war from Serbian extremist Seselj. But while ready to accept NATO troops, Sofia tries to play a regional diplomatic role.

10 Nov 05

Living The Life Of Behgjet

Behgjet Pacolli, the Kosovo Albanian multi-millionaire who weds Italian pop icon Ana Oxo tomorrow and whose business links with the Kremlin may yet bring down Boris Yeltsin, is living proof that fact can be stranger than fiction.

10 Nov 05

Sakic Sentence Opens Israeli Doors For Tudjman

The trial and 20-year sentence of 78-year-old death camp commander Dinko Sakic have opened up new possibilities for Croatia and its president Franjo Tudjman, including a state visit to Israel.

10 Nov 05
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