Middle East

Marriage Realities

Many regard it as evil, some as a golden cage, and others as part of their religious duty - the subject of marriage is hotly debated in Iraq.

1 Nov 06

Breaking the Darfur Impasse

Diplomats placing fragile hope in plans for extended African Union mission, with logistical and financial support from UN.

16 Oct 06

Health Hazards

A combination of war and UN sanctions has had a serious impact on women’s health.

10 Oct 06

Women Get a Break at the Pumps

Authorities provide women with their own petrol station to spare them the discomfort of queuing days for fuel.

4 Oct 06

A Marriage Made in Heaven?

Dreaming of travel and a better life away from poverty and war, some Iraqi women are agreeing to marry men they hardly know.

2 Oct 06

Jury Out on NGOs

Women’s NGOs have proliferated over the last few years, though there’s some debate about how effective or independent they are.

27 Sep 06
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