Middle East

The Boss is a She

The story of Chiman, head of a cleaning company in Sulaimaniyah, showing how she manages the dual role of running her own business and being a mother.

21 Apr 08

Story of Gulla

Gulla is a cleaner from Sulaimaniyah. Her life, in a nutshell, reflects the hardship women face in Iraqi Kurdistan because of tribal traditions.

21 Apr 08

Story of Shaida

A profile of Shaida, a young woman who makes documentaries in Iraq.

21 Apr 08

US May Tighten Screws on Zimbabwe

As the international community steps up the pressure on President Robert Mugabe’s regime, American officials consider tougher sanctions.

11 Apr 08

Africans Deride Western Engagement

With their experience of western misrule, Africans appear sceptical that the West will now do the right thing – in Zimbabwe or elsewhere on the continent.

11 Apr 08
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