Iraqi Kurdistan

UK Troop Delay Threatens Afghan Stability

Further delays in the deployment of British troops in Afghanistan could undermine efforts to stabilise the country and secure humanitarian aid shipments.

14 Nov 05

Afghan Coup Claims Under Scrutiny

A crackdown on an alleged plot against the interim government may be just another phase in the war of nerves between its ethnic Tajik and Pashtun factions.

14 Nov 05

Bulatovic's Loyalty Ill-Repaid

Milosevic and his wife have suddenly turned on their loyal ally from Montenegro - a tactic they hope will delay the republic's increasingly likely split from Yugoslavia.

10 Nov 05

Haggling Over Bosnia

Former aide to Croatian president gives inside story of Milosevic’s hand in carve-up of Bosnia and Croatia.

9 Nov 05

A Reluctant Witness

Former Bosnian Serb justice minister suggests wartime leadership was fractured and short of information.

9 Nov 05
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