Iraqi Kurdistan

Mukhabarat Comeback?

With violence spiraling, Iraqis are prepared to see the reinstatement of their hated intelligence services on condition they are reformed.

22 Feb 05

Iraqi Kurds Back Bush

They may not know what the Republican Party is, but Sulaimaniyah residents are staunchly in favour of its leader.

22 Feb 05

What Lies Behind Fallujah Rising?

The rebel town’s location, its recent history and tightly-knit community all conspire to make it the ideal breeding ground for insurgency.

22 Feb 05

Donkeys Put Out to Grass

Iraqi beasts of burden face an uncertain future after their owners replace them with cheap stolen cars.

22 Feb 05

Saddam's Disputed Legacy

The former dictator may have swapped his palaces for a prison cell, but he still divides opinion amongst those he once governed.

22 Feb 05
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