Iraqi Kurdistan

Comment: Falsely Accused

“Agent Salaam” was told to quit working for the Americans or face death at the hands of the mujahedin.

22 Feb 05

Fallujah's Front Line

IWPR reporters fend off charges of espionage and collaboration to speak to the insurgents facing down the Americans.

22 Feb 05

Looking for General Khazraji

A former Iraqi chief of staff goes missing from Denmark, fuelling speculation that he is working with the US.

22 Feb 05

Freeing Iraq from Debt

Iraqis may have been liberated from Saddam Hussein, but they are not yet free of the punishing debt he left behind.

22 Feb 05

Shias Extend Control

Religious groups are exploiting the power vacuum, raising the risk that Shia radicals could set the agenda in southern Iraq.

22 Feb 05
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