
Doubts Cast Over Kurdistan Vote

Officials claim only minimal fraud occurred during the referendum, but 99 per cent approval rates have raised eyebrows.

28 Oct 05

Swift Justice Urged for Saddam

In Dijail, the setting for the first case against Saddam, there is little sympathy for the ex-president as memories of the 1982 killings remain fresh.

21 Oct 05

Erbil Takes Shine Off Kurdish Turnout

Officials apparently nervous about support for charter accused of ballot-rigging, but Kurds overall appear to have given it overwhelming backing.

17 Oct 05

Women Weigh Up Charter

Some see oppression in the constitution’s pages while others glimpse opportunity.

14 Oct 05

All Eyes on the Sunni

Prospects of Sunni backing for the constitution are not promising, despite last-ditch efforts to change their minds.

14 Oct 05
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