
Reporters Claim Harassment

Iraqi journalists in Baghdad and Amarah say they are victimised by the national security forces.

18 Nov 05

Ballot Box Mix-Up

People in and around the northern city of Mosul say they’ve been unjustly deprived of their votes because of logistical errors.

18 Nov 05

A Pilgrim's Tale

Grandmother saw long walk to polling station as a religious duty.

18 Nov 05

Sunnis Allege Coercion

As turnout levels in Sunni areas remain unclear, some claim they were pressured to vote, others that they were told not to.

18 Nov 05

Parties Eye Up Potential Partners

As post-election speculation takes hold, the big players – Shia and Kurds – consider their options, with cooperation seen as a better bet than confrontation.

18 Nov 05

Lawyers Set Constitutional Priorities

Legal experts in Iraq say the protection of minority rights and ensuring political freedoms should top the country’s constitutional agenda.

18 Nov 05
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