
Analysis: Uneasy Neighbours

For different reasons, the Gulf states find reasons to worry about the grand designs of both Saddam Hussein and George Bush.

22 Feb 05

Analysis: End of the Party

Regime change is not enough - a sustained programme of de-Ba'athification is essential to rid Iraq of the influence of the ruling party and its functionaries.

22 Feb 05

Gulf States Lend Support

While officially against the war, most Gulf states are providing various levels of assistance to US troops in the region.

22 Feb 05

Iraq Reinforces the North

Kurdish and US sources report Iraqi forces mobilizing at the frontiers of the Kurdish-controlled areas.

22 Feb 05

Analysis: Saudis Undecided

Given the huge risks, Riyadh will defer its decision on supporting a US-led war until the final moment.

22 Feb 05
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