
Ruined Libraries Rise from the Ashes

Kabul's libraries were no more than targets for missiles in wartime but now a huge effort is underway to restore some of their old glory.

21 Feb 05

Amulet Makers Work Their Charms

Love potions and other traditional mystical remedies are growing in popularity, to the annoyance of many Islamic scholars.

21 Feb 05

Karzai Elected President

As expected, Hamed Karzai has been elected head of Afghanistan's transitional government at the grand assembly.

21 Feb 05

Perilous Road to Iran

Desperate to get to Iran, Afghans entrust their money and lives to smugglers.

21 Feb 05

Tough Cure for Mental Problems

People with psychological problems are chained up at a holy shrine, hoping traditional methods will cure them.

21 Feb 05

Kandahar's Confused Censors

Clerics in Kandahar are confiscating books right, left and centre, and it's not always clear why.

21 Feb 05
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